Check Mailbox Size In Outlook 2016

In this blog first we will check with Mailbox size & Statistics and then we will go to Database size…….

There are two ways in order for us to check out the Size of our Mailbox and which will be described below: In the image below, we see the Home tab of the Outlook 2016 application and at the left corner of the window we can notice the three different E-Mail Accounts that exist. To check the space being utilized, click on ‘View Mailbox Size’ as shown in the image below: You can also empty the “Deleted Items Folder” or “Archive” your emails or even move mails to another outlook file, to free space. If your outlook needs to be reset due to errors you can follow our guide. In Outlook 2007: Click on Tools from the Menu Bar and select Mailbox Cleanup in the drop-down. In Outlook 2010/2013/2016: click on File, go to Mailbox Cleanup section and tap on the down arrow next to it. Step 2: In the Mailbox Cleanup window, click on View Mailbox Size. When the Folder Size window popups, you can view mailbox size limit in.

Check Mailbox Size In Outlook 2016

For Admins its regular task “Environment status check” like

Count of User Mailbox in Organization

Number Mailbox in each Database

Mailbox Size & Statistics

First 5 users with huge size of Mailboxes size

To check the Mailbox count for auditing, checking manually it takes much time. And below command can help you to save time.

This applies for both Exchange 2010 & 2013

Command : (Get-Mailbox).Count

If your Organization have 1000+ employees use the command same with Result size as Unlimited.

Command : (Get-Mailbox -resultsize unlimited).Count

Interesting…… Great

want gathering Individual User Mailbox with Total Item Count, Storage Limit status and users Last logon. Then below is the command

Command :

[PS] C:>Get-MailboxStatistics -Identity “User Mailbox Name”

Now List of User Mailboxes hosted in the Database with Display name and TotalItemSize with Storagelimitstatus

Command :

[PS] C:>Get-MailboxDatabase “Database Name” | Get-MailboxStatistics | sort totalitemsize -desc | ft displayname, totalitemsize, itemcount, storagelimitstatus

In this if you want to deep dive and want to Identify first 5 or 10 mailbox with huge size of Mailbox below is the command to run

Command :

[PS] C:>Get-Mailbox | Get-MailboxStatistics | Sort-Object TotalItemSize -desc | Select-Object -First 5 | ft displayname,@{Expression={$_.TotalItemSize.Value.ToGb()};label=”T

otal Mailbox Size in Gb”}

If you want to check by name the exclude the Get-Mailbox and directly go with Get-Mailboxstatistics and when Prompts for Identity provide user Mailbox name as shown below:

Command :

[PS] C:>Get-MailboxStatistics | Sort-Object TotalItemSize -desc | Select-Object -First 5 | ft displayname,@{Expression={$_.TotalItemSize.Value.ToGb()};label=”Total Mailbox Si

ze in Gb”}

First 5 User with huge mailbox size within the specific Database then below is the command:

Command :

[PS] C:>Get-MailboxStatistics -Database “Database Name” | Sort-Object TotalItemSize -desc | Select-Object -First 5 | ft displayname,@{Expression={$_.TotalItemSize.Value.ToGb()};

label=”Total Mailbox Size in Gb”}

Now Check the number of Mailbox in each Database

Segregating the number of user hosted on each Database.

Command :

[PS] C:>Get-Mailbox | Group-Object -Property:Database | Select-Object name,count

Now gathering the details with Server Name, StorageGroupName, Database Name, Size (GB), Size (MB), No. Of Mailbox, below is the command:

Command :

[PS] C:>Get-MailboxDatabase | Select Server, StorageGroupName, Name, @{Name=”Size (GB)”;Expression={$objitem = (Get-MailboxDatabase $_.Identity); $path = “``” + $

rver + “`” + $objItem.EdbFilePath.DriveName.Remove(1).ToString() + “$”+ $objItem.EdbFilePath.PathName.Remove(0,2); $size = ((Get-ChildItem $path).length)/1048576KB; [math]::r

ound($size, 2)}}, @{Name=”Size (MB)”;Expression={$objitem = (Get-MailboxDatabase $_.Identity); $path = “``” + $objitem.server + “`” + $objItem.EdbFilePath.DriveName.Remove(


How To Check Mailbox Size In Outlook 2016 Mac

1).ToString() + “$”+ $objItem.EdbFilePath.PathName.Remove(0,2); $size = ((Get-ChildItem $path).length)/1024KB; [math]::round($size, 2)}}, @{Name=”No. Of Mbx”;expression={(Get-

Mailbox -Database $_.Identity | Measure-Object).Count}}

If you want to export below is the command :

How To Check Your Mailbox Size In Outlook 2016

Command :

[PS] C:>Get-MailboxDatabase | Select Server, StorageGroupName, Name, @{Name=”Size (GB)”;Expression={$objitem = (Get-MailboxDatabase $_.Identity); $path = “``” + $

rver + “`” + $objItem.EdbFilePath.DriveName.Remove(1).ToString() + “$”+ $objItem.EdbFilePath.PathName.Remove(0,2); $size = ((Get-ChildItem $path).length)/1048576KB; [math]::r

ound($size, 2)}}, @{Name=”Size (MB)”;Expression={$objitem = (Get-MailboxDatabase $_.Identity); $path = “``” + $objitem.server + “`” + $objItem.EdbFilePath.DriveName.Remove(

1).ToString() + “$”+ $objItem.EdbFilePath.PathName.Remove(0,2); $size = ((Get-ChildItem $path).length)/1024KB; [math]::round($size, 2)}}, @{Name=”No. Of Mbx”;expression={(Get-

Mailbox -Database $_.Identity | Measure-Object).Count}} | Export-CSV C:ServerStat-2.csv

[PS] C:>

Now want to check the list of users hosted in the Database then below is the command

Command :

[PS] C:>Get-MailboxDatabase “DatabaseName” | Get-MailboxStatistics | Sort totalitemsize -desc | ft displayname, totalitemsize, itemcount

If you have more than 50+ users and if you want to export below is the command

Command :

[PS] C:>Get-MailboxDatabase “FBMBXDB01” | Get-MailboxStatistics | Sort totalitemsize -desc | ft displayname, totalitemsize, itemcount >C:MB.csv


Ok we are done with Mailboxes.

Last but not least Database Size and free space

Gathering Database Size with New Available New Mailbox Space

Command :

[PS] C:>Get-MailboxDatabase -Status | select Name,DatabaseSize,AvailableNewMailboxSpace

How to check mailbox size in outlook 2016

Checking Database Size

Command :

[PS] C:>Get-MailboxDatabase -Status | select ServerName,Name,DatabaseSize


Happy Learning…..

How To Check Mailbox Size Limit In Outlook 2016

Praveen Kumar

MCTS, MCITP | Exchange Server

How Do I Check My Mailbox Size In Outlook 2016 For Mac

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