Canon Bellows Fl Manual

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Canon bellows fl original instruction manual paperback – janu 5. The canon t90 has an internal 3 volt lithium standby battery ( b- 2 in the service manual, type br1225 or cr- 1220, canon part number wkgiven on last page of part 1 of service repair manual) that the canon manuals recommend be replaced at approximately five- year intervals, a. The Bellows FL is a three track bellows with both front and rear adjustment as well as overall. Canon Auto Bellow Unit Manual Canon Macro Photography Guide. Canon bellows fl instructions, canon fd bellows macro, canon fd bellows manual, canon fd duplicator, canon fl slide duplicator. CANON FL BELLOWS - Nice Ones - w/Box and Manual - $71.27. Canon FL Bellows - Nice Ones - w/Box and Manual - These 92.

Foreword (an article whom a gentleman (who declined to be mentioned nor credited) sent me and I retouched the original content slightly). I will look into reconstruction of this section later. For those of you who may be having any of these oldies. You may consider taking some pictures of your possession to beef up the graphic interface and/or personal experience in this section. You may send to any of the co-maintainers of the FD lens/camera board (listsed under each Message Board). If you prefer to send the articles/images of the lens, you may send to me directly. Credit and return link will be provided.

When a friend of mine got to know that I am compiling some information on the old Canon FL and FD lenses, he said I was wasting my time, because no one cares about those manual focus cameras or lenses anymore in the Internet. I told him I did it because just like what he had commented - no one cares and secondly, just because the medium of Internet, we have now a new medium to promote photography. But photography is not all about technology and autofocus, right ? And what a high price tag we have to pay for the 'technologies- just for an instance, the multi-features Command Back MF-28 designed specifically for Nikon F5 costs twice the price we paid for a solid Nikon F3 bodies during the eighties. Recently, Canon's newly introduced dedicated EX550 AF flash designed for the amazing eye-controlled EOS-3 worth the equivalent of two units of the top-of-the-line New F-1 bodies of the eighties. Hey, before the invention of A-TTL flash, we still take pictures with flash and the lens we used still can focus, right ? More ridiculous was recently I received a sales promotional leaflet from a local Leica distributor, offering a 100mm macro lens for RM36,000 !
(US1-00=RM3.80).If you can differentiate a 35mm slide that tells it was taken with a Leica, I will salute you and next ask yourself, how many 18' enlargement did you do in a year ? But do we really need such sophistication to interpret the vision or imagination ?
Photography, for most of the time, are capturing a moment of truth or interpreting how we visualize things, or events happened in front of our eyes. To certain extend, technologies helps to realize imagination and make way easier or simplify an image capture process.

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Credit: Image courtesy of camera$@EBAY®. He also operates a popular Ebay StoreTo be able to use your camera as a tool to produce realistic pictures, it is important that you thoroughly know the latest facts about your camera and obtain basic knowledge about interchangeable lenses.
With such tools as a camera, a lens and film, it is possible in a split second to produce a masterpiece that will be praised by many people something that deserves to go no further than the wastebasket. In creating a worthy photographic production, you will soon become aware that this process involves factors other than the camera and the lens. To capture the emotion or the feeling of the subject, the photographer's eye must determine the precise moment to take the picture. Another factor is, of course, chance or coincidence. However, without being constantly alert and active, this chance or coincidence will not be apparent. To find the precise moment to take the picture, it is necessary to train your own eye to recognize the proper instant.
Equipped with the latest camera, this is your opportunity to take the fullest advantage of the interchangeable lens controlled by your eye and your mind to compose and to create many excellent examples of photographic art. Let's consider for a moment which is more advanced, the human eye or the lens. We naturally demand more of the lens than the human eye and our expectations have not been disappointed. Thus, the edge could be on the side of the lens, but the human eye, on the other hand, is controlled by a God-given brain. The exploitation of this brain opens up limitless possibilities. The lens, therefore, is only the eye of the camera controlled by the human mind. In other words, the two play the role of the ruler and the ruled. Although the naked eye has a broad vision, at times it has a very narrow angle. Moreover, the overall vision of the human eye covers a super-wide-angle of nearly 180° up and down, left and right. Even when looking around aimlessly, it is still possible to get super-wide-angle vision. Our eyes have qualities ranging from long telephoto to super-wide-angle, and with the help of the brain their capacity is almost limitless.

SLR Camera Expands Lens Inter changeability
Although the interchangeability of lenses was naturally thought of when the camera was first produced, the early camera was described in an oversimplified manner as a dark box with a lens. Even then lenses were interchangeable, but they had no relationship whatsoever to the mechanism of high-grade cameras of today. In addition, they were so large few were used by amateurs. With the improvement in the quality of films, the camera gradually became smaller in size until the heyday of 35mm cameras. This era was marked by the appearance of the high-grade 35mm rangefinder cameras. Under this system, the problem of lens interchangeability was concerned first with telephoto lenses and how they could be coupled to the camera's rangefinder mechanism. Generally, the focal distance was confined to 135mm and the limit of the aperture was f/2.5. Above this, the reflex housing was used. The solutions to these problems and limitations seemed to be in the single-lens reflex design. However, the ordinary 35mm single-lens reflex camera which was miniaturized from its former large size was no match for the coupled rangefinder type, either from the point of maneuverability or ease of handling. To satisfy requirements, the present-day single-lens reflex camera with eye-level finder and pentaprism was developed. Even this model was unable to free itself from the basic structure of the single-lens reflex camera, but improvements were incorporated, such as the quick return mirror, automatic diaphragm, and easier handling. Today, in production, the single-lens reflex camera has overtaken the high-quality 35mm focal plane rangefinder type camera which is also equipped with interchangeable lenses.
<<< -- An even older Canon Screw mount 50mm f/1.2 for Leica rangefinders.

Credit: Image courtesy of 'Ebay - Mathew Duren' <ebay@adorama> URL:, who also operates a popular Ebay Store. Image Copyright © 2003. All rights reserved. Adorama Inc. also can be contact at: Canon Bellows Fl ManualUsed & Collectible Ebay Department Adorama® Inc. 42 West 18th Street New York, N.Y. 10011 1-212-741-0052 1-830-223-2500 Option 55 Ext.119 FAX: 1-212-675-8715

For owners of a Canon single-lens reflex camera they no longer have to dream about using a 1000mm ultra-long-telephoto lens or, if necessary an ultra-long-telephoto lens of greater focal length. In fact, Canon has the longest telephoto lens in the world, the ultra-long-telephoto 5200mm, for a single-lens reflex camera. Because of the single-lens reflex design, not only can you see the field of view, but there is also no problem of parallax (difference between finder view and that of the picture-taking lens). You can also see the composition, lighting, and precise moment to take the picture. Moreover, you can fit almost any lens and focus through the pentaprism finder. It is truly an ideal design. Space for the movable mirror is absolutely necessary in this type of camera. This is a problem peculiar to the single-lens reflex and is not easy to solve. Hence, at the beginning it was difficult to attach super wide-angle lenses. But Canon's never-say-die lense designers soon overcame this limitation by successfully designing a retrofocus super-wide-angle lens. The retrofocus wide-angle lens, whose entire structure is in front of the mirror, is a wide-angle lens that does not interfere with the action of the mirror. Although the lens itself is sticking out in front of the camera, the focal length is no different from the short focal point of the ordinary wide-angle lens. The lens is a special design, an inverted telephoto.
While the extent of the lens performance is of interest, as far as Canon products are concerned, they equal the superb performance of the general type. Moreover they have the added advantage of transmitting larger quantity of the marginal light beams. Among the outstanding Canon lenses are the super-wide-angle FL 28mm F 3.5 and the world's first retrofocus FL 19mm F 3.5R lens enabling viewfinder focusing. It is, of course, disadvantageous for the single-lens reflex camera to have even a protruding wide-angle lens. On the other hand, however, it must be remembered that the single-lens reflex has the unique advantage of being able to provide through-the-lens focusing. Furthermore, the super-wide-angle lens under 20mm, as a natural result of having a short focal length, also possesses a large depth of field. This depth of field could be the same for a retrofocus design as for the standard design in the same focal length. Some wide-angle lenses of the standard design can be used on a single-lens reflex with any viewing or mirror interference problem. However, the mirror interference problem would exist if a standard designed 19mm lens, with a protruding rear section, were used on a camera. By lifting up the mirror and locking it up, as is possible with the Canon FT QL, FX and FP cameras, an auxiliary viewfinder would solve the viewing problem. It was on this theory that the Canon FL 19mm F 3.5 lens was designed.
At the present time, there are more than 20 interchangeable lenses, from the 19rnm super-wide-angle to the 1000mm ultra-long-telephoto lenses and the zoom and macro lenses, which can be used for the Canon FT QL, Pellix QL and FX cameras to fill completely all needs.

Universally acclaimed super-large aperture standard lenses.
50mm F 0.95 lens on the Canon 7S FL 55mm F 1.2 lens on the Canon FT QL
Canon Has Lenses for All Purposes
There are more than 20 different varieties of lenses by Canon ranging from the 19mm super-wide-angle to the 1000mm ultra-long-telephoto. All, however, are not for general use. As a matter of fact, there are so many that the question of selection becomes a problem.^ In order to differentiate between these lenses, it is convenient to classify the 19mm and 28mm as super-wide-angle, the 35mm to 38mm as wide-angle, the 50mm to 58mm as standard, the 85mm to 200mm as telephoto, and the 300mm and over as long-telephoto. Foremost among these classes are the zoom types which are not so popular that they can be considered as general lenses. While there is necessity for compromise regarding their aperture, they do fulfill the long felt desire for a lens with qualities equivalent to a number of lenses. Canon's zoom lenses possess that quality. The zoom is especially -effective for press or record coverage of sporting events where the objects are constantly moving, or for stage photography where the photographer's location remains unchanged but where different views are desired.
Then there is the macro lens for close-ups. The ordinary lens has limited helicoid length, but with the use of an extension tube or bellows it is possible to shoot close-ups with the prime optics. The Canon FL 50mm F 3.5 Macro type standard lens is specially designed for close-ups with high resolving power, high contrast and good color balance. It can be used between infinity to 0.5X close-ups by itself, and with the joint use of a life-size adapter it is possible to shoot 0.5X to life-size (1:1) pictures. The lens also incorporates effective aperture compensation mechanism (the f-number naturally changes with close-up photography). Now we will talk about the large aperture FL 55mm F 1.2 and FL 58mm F 1.2 standard lenses. The appearance of these marvelous lenses followed on the heels of the development by Canon's superior technology of the world-famous super-large aperture 50mm F 0.951ens for Canon 7 and 7S use. Another notable product is the thin type wide-angle lens FLP 38mm F 2.8, which grew out of the idea of utilizing a wide-angle lens to enhance the stationary mirror system of the Pellix QL. Although not directly related to interchangeable camera lenses, yet another product of distinction is the Canon E lens specially used for high quality enlargement purposes. The accomplishments of outstanding cameras and lenses should naturally be crowned by the use of an equally outstanding enlarging lens.

Canon Bellows Fl Manual

SLR Camera with Through-The-Lens Photometry
Through The-Lens Photometry of FT QL

Through-The-Lens-AN D-Mirror Photometry of Pellix QL

Let's examine the relationship between the through-the-lens exposure meter structure in the FT QL and Pellix QL and the interchangeable lenses. The greatest drawback in the latest type of exposure meter, despite the fact that it was developed to the point of a built-in mechanism synchronized with the shutter and diaphragm, occurs during the changing of lenses. These include the problems of disagreement between the incoming light angle of the exposure meter and the angle of view of the lens and the change in the f-number of the lens when photographic conditions are altered (such as for close-ups), and the effect of an insufficient quantity of marginal light when opening the super-wide-angle lens to maximum aperture. For the same reason that the ground glass focusing screen of the single-lens reflex camera was able to have the field of view of the viewfinder exactly the same as that which would appear on the film, the through-the-lens exposure meter design was able to apply the single-lens reflex principle to the incoming light angle of the meter. With the use of this single-lens reflex photometry system it is possible to automate the change in the f-number under special lighting conditions to compensate for the exposure factors of filters. If the through-the-lens exposure meter is to be considered as an adoption of the single-lens reflex principle, it is at the same time an ideal exposure meter for all interchangeable lenses.

Technical Data for Canon FL Interchangeable Lenses and Lens Mounts Ever since its establishment some 30 years ago, Canon Camera Company has been mainly manufacturing precision, high quality 35mm cameras. Canon also has the same history and achievements in the field of lenses. For example, in the field of interchangeable lenses for rangefinder type focal plane shutter cameras, Canon is supplying a series of substantial lenses including the 50mrn F 0.95 standard 1ens which broke through the f/l barrier. This lens was designed based on Canon's superior and unique optical theory. Furthermore, Canon has over 20 different types of lenses available, to meet all photographic needs for Canon FTQL and single-lens reflex focal plane shutter cameras, from the super-wide-angle 19mm lens to the ultra-long-telephoto 5200mm lens.
FL 19mm F3.5R
World's highest quality super-wide-angle lens with the fastest lens speed of f/3.5 in its class. Because it is a retrofocus type, through-the-lens focusing can be performed, and the entire 96-degree field of view can be recorded on film. Optically, the various aberration compensations are excellent. It is especially free of astigmatism and image distortion is held to less than one per cent. Therefore, clear and sharp images are possible to the outermost edges, and overall sharpness is superb. It is a lens that is regularly used by professional photographers.

Name: Canon Lens FL 19mm F 3.5 R*
Focal Length
: f=19mm Aperture Ratio: 1:3.5
: 9 components, 11 elements
: Amber and Special coating with double layers
: Automatic / Manual preset type
Min. Aperture
: 16 Distance Scale: 0.5-7
OO in meters, 1.75-20 OO in feet
Angle of View
: Diagonal 96°, Horizontal 87°, Vertical 65°
Credit:- ' .. The picture shown is incorrect: in the picture there is the FL 19mm F/3.5 (the 'short focus' model without letter R). R refers to retrofocus. There are two versions of FL 19mm. The so called pancace model where mirror must be locked up and the so-called retrofocus model (the 19mm F/3.5 R) which was a retrofocus type and thus didn't need mirror lockup...'.
Regards, Vesa Vähälummukka
Focusing System:Straight drive double helicoid
: None Filter Size: Series IX
Length x Max. Dia: 68 x 82mm (2-11/16' x 3-1/4')
: 500 grams (1 lb. 1-5/8 oz.)

Canon FL
19mm F:3.5 Ultra-wideangle lens

This lens is mounted and used with the quick return mirror fixed in the retracted position. A reverse Galileo type finder must be used and focusing is performed by measuring the distance visually.
This super-wide-angle lens has a very deep depth of focus. When it is opened to maximum aperture and focused at 3 meters (approx. 10'), the depth of focus is l.Sm (approx. 5') to infinity. When the aperture stop is set at f/11 and the lens is focused at 1 meter (approx. 3.3') the depth of focus is an extraordinary 60cm (approx. 2') to infinity.

Three images of the non-retrofocus type, origial Canon FL-mount 19mm f/3.5 Ultra-wideangle lens provided by Vesa Vahalummukka.
CLICK for enlarged Views)

Name: Canon Lens FL 19mm F 3.5
Focal Length
: f=19mm Aperture Ratio: 1:3.5 Construction: 7 components, 9 elements
: Magenta, Purple Diaphragm: Manual type Min. Aperture: 16
Distance Scale
: 0.5-7
OO in meters, 1.75-20 OO in feet
Angle of View
: Diagonal 96°, Horizontal 87°, Vertical 65°
Focusing System
:Straight drive double helicoid
: None Filter Size: 58mm (2-5/16') Length x Max. Dia: 18 x 63mm (11/16' x 2-1/2') Weight: 150 grams (5-5/16 oz.)
28mm F 3.5
This Canon lens has a very short length of only 41mm and was designed for easy manipulation, small size and light weight. There is no loss in the quantity of marginal light because of the large front lens element and spherical aberration and astigmatism are extremely well compensated. This lens, which is an intermediate between the 19mm and 35mm lenses, does not have an extreme perspective and is very handy for taking pictures of buildings or for indoor shots where space is limited.

Name: Canon Lens FL 28mm F 3.5
Focal Length
: f=28mm
Aperture Ratio
: 1:3.5
: 7 components, 7 elements
: Amber
: Automatic/ Manual preset type

Min. Aperture: 16
Distance Scale
: 0.4-3 oo in meters,1.5-10 oo in feet
Angle of View
: Diagonal 75°, Horizontal 66°, Vertical 46°
Focusing System:Straight drive double helicoid
: W-60-B
Filter Size
: 58mm (2-5/16')
Length x Max. Dia: 41 x 67mm (1-5/8' x 2-5/8')
: 240 grams (8-7/16 oz.)
FL 35mm F 2.5
A retrofocus type wide-angle lens with a large aperture, passing a large quantity of marginal light because of the two large elements in the front group. This lens has very flexible characteristics in that soft delineation. And it is possible at maximum aperture while very sharp pictures are available when the aperture is closed down.

The elimination ,of spherical and other aberrations, minimization of flare and highly faithful reproduction of colors are the outstanding features of this lens.
Name: Canon Lens FL 35mm F 2.5
Focal Length
: f=35mm Aperture Ratio: 1:2.5
: 5 components, 7 elements Coating: Magenta
: Automatic/ Manual preset type Min. Aperture: 16
Distance Scale
: 0.4-3 oo in meters,1.5-10 oo in feet
Angle of View
: Diagonal 64°, Horizontal 54°, Vertical 38°
Focusing System:Straight drive double helicoid
: W-60-A Filter Size: 58mm (2-5/16') Length x Max. Dia: 55 x 65mm (2-3/16' x 2-9/16') Weight: 352 grams (12-7/16 oz.)
Canon Bellows Fl Manual35mm F 3.5
This wide-angle lens is the latest addition to Canon's Compact Lens Series. The lens is light and compact in design. Its 64-degree angle of view and 35mm focal length for deep depth of field give the photographer an extremely good working range, especially for taking snapshots. Elimination of aberration, superb resolution and contrast are imparted to photographers by the theory of response function and the proper arrangement of the lens complement including a new type glass. The lens ensures crisp, sharp images even at maximum aperture.
Name: Canon Lens FL 35mm F 3.5
Focal Length
: f=35mm Aperture Ratio: 1:3.5
: 6 components, 6 elements
: Amber, Purple Diaphragm: Automatic/ Manual preset type

Min. Aperture: 16
Distance Scale
: 0.4-3 oo in meters,1.5-10 oo in feet
Angle of View
: Diagonal 64°, Horizontal 54°, Vertical 37°
Focusing System:Straight drive double helicoid
: W-50-A Filter Size: 48mm (1-7/8') Length x Max. Dia: 43.5 x 62mm (1-11/16') x 2-7/16') Weight: 270 grams (9-1/2 oz.)
38mm F 2.8
This lens was developed for use on the Canon Pellix QL, the world's first camera with a stationary pellicle mirror. It is a very compact lens with an overall length of only 21mm. Its construction is a variation of the so-called improved triplet type using a new type of glass. Very sharp pictures are available by slightly closing down the aperture, and uniform and high resolving power is guaranteed to the edges. Snapshots at close distances, to say nothing of scenery shots at infinity, appear natural.
Name: Canon Lens FLP 38mm F 2.8
Focal Length: f=38mm
Aperture Ratio
: 1:2.8
: 3 components, 4 elements
: Magenta

Diaphragm: Automatic/ Manual preset type
Min. Aperture
: 16
Distance Scale
: 0.8 - 8
OO in meters, 3 - 30 oo in feet
Angle of View
: Diagonal 59°, Horizontal 51°, Vertical 35°
Focusing System:Straight drive double helicoid
: None Filter Size: 48mm (1-7/8') Length x Max. Dia: 21 x 66mm(13/16' x 2-5/8') Weight: 210 grams(7-7/16 oz.)

Exclusively produced for Pellix Series camera models to use
FL 50mm F 3.5 Macro
The correction of aberrations of this lens was severely pursued until they were almost completely eliminated.

This lens is ideal for close-up photography, copying and macro photography where high resolving power is required. It is also designed for high performance in shooting ordinary pictures. A double helicoid design allows focusing and shooting from 0.5X to infinity and the shooting range is extended to life-size (1:1) with the use of the life-size adapter accessory.
Name: Macro Canon Lens FL 50mm F 3.5
Focal Length: f=50mm
Aperture Ratio
: 1:3.5
: 3 components, 4 elements
: Automatic/ Manual preset type

Min. Aperture: 22
Distance Scale
0.234-5 oo in meters, 9.2 inches-20 feet oo
Angle of View
46°, Horizontal 38°, Vertical 26°
Focusing System:Straight drive double helicoid
: None Filter Size:
58mm(2-5/16')Length x Max. Dia: 56 x 64mm (2-3/16' x 2-1/2') Weight: 295 grams (10-7/16 oz.)
* For use with 0.5X - infinity and 1.0 - 0.5X
FL 50mm F 1.8

A high quality standard lens of ~component, ~element construction that belongs to the so-called improved Gauss type. It incorporates a new type glass for the rear element and the various aberration compensations are excellent. It is also the smallest and lightest of the FL standard lenses because its aperture ratio is held at f/1.8.

Name: Canon Lens FL 50mm F1.8
Focal Length
: f=50mm
Aperture Ratio
: 1:1.8
: 4 components, 6 elements
: Amber

Diaphragm: Automatic/ Manual preset type Min. Aperture: 16
Distance Scale
: 0.6-10 oo in meters, 2-30 oo in feet
Angle of View
Diagonal 46°, Horizontal 38° Vertical 26°
Focusing System:Straight drive double helicoid
S-50 Filter Size: 48mm (1-7/8') Length x Max. Dia: 40 x 61mm(1-9/16' x 2-3/8') Weight: 228 grams (8-1/16 oz.)
50mm F 1.8 II
This lens is an improved version of the original FL 50mm F 1.8, already widely accepted es a leading standard lens in the world. The newly designed optical system has increased overall performances to marked degrees. Astigmatism has been eliminated by reducing the Petzval sum to a minimum and picture quality has been greatly improved, especially from the intermediate to the corner portion. Aberration caused by magnification has been reduced, providing stable performance for close-up photography.
Name: Canon Lens *FL 50mm F1.8
Focal Length
: f=50mm
Aperture Ratio
: 1:1.8
: 4 components, 6 elements
: Magenta, Purple
Diaphragm: Automatic/ Manual preset type
Min. Aperture
: 16
Distance Scale
: 0.6-10 oo in meters, 2-30 oo in feet
Angle of View
Diagonal 46°, Horizontal 38° Vertical 26°
Focusing System:Straight drive double helicoid

S-50 Filter Size: 48mm (1-7/8') Length x Max. Dia: 42.5 x 61mm (1-11/16' x 2-3/8') Weight: 280 grams (9-7/8 oz.)
FL 50mm F 1.4
A fast standard lens with a large aperture of f/1.4. Although a small amount of flare is sometimes recorded when lights are included in pictures of maximum aperture, flare elimination and sharpness increase when the aperture is closed down to f/2.8. Corrections of culvature of field, astigmatism and color aberration are excellent. This lens, which meets- all photographic requirements, is the ultimate in standard lenses.

Name: Canon Lens FL 50mm F1.4
Focal Length
: f=50mm
Aperture Ratio
: 1:1.4
: 5 components, 6 elements
: Amber

Diaphragm: Automatic/ Manual preset type Min. Aperture: 16
Distance Scale
: 0.6 - 10 oo in meters, 2 - 30 oo in feet
Angle of View
Diagonal 46°, Horizontal 38° Vertical 26°
Focusing System:Straight drive double helicoid
S-60 Filter Size: 58mm (2-15/16') Length x Max. Dia: 43 x 64mm (1-11/16' x 2-1/2') Weight: 280 grams (9-7/8 oz.)
FL 50mm F 1.4 II
The majority of standard lenses for single-lens reflex cameras today have the lens speed of f/1.4. This 50mm F 1.4 II lens is based on the FL 50mm F 1.4 design but has been improved a step further by enlarging the aperture, increasing the quantity of marginal light, and the number of elements to obtain richer and higher contrast. It also provides accurate color transmission.

Name: Canon Lens FL 50mm F 1.4 II
Focal Length: f=50mm
Aperture Ratio
: 1:1.4
: 6 components, 7 elements
: Amber, Purple

Diaphragm: Automatic/ Manual preset type Min. Aperture: 16
Distance Scale
: 0.6 - 10 oo in meters, 2 - 30 oo in feet Angle of View:
Diagonal 46°, Horizontal 38° Vertical 26°
Focusing System:Straight drive double helicoid
S-60 Filter Size: 58mm (2-15/16') Length x Max. Dia: 51 x 64.6mm (2' x 2-9/16') Weight: 340 grams(12 oz.)

An even older Canon Screw mount 50mm f/1.2 for Leica rangefinders. Credit: Image courtesy of 'Ebay - Mathew Duren' <ebay@adorama> URL:, who also operates a popular Canon Bellows Fl ManualEbay Store. Image Copyright © 2003. All rights reserved. Adorama Inc. also can be contact at: Used & Collectible Ebay Department Adorama® Inc. 42 West 18th Street New York, N.Y. 10011 1-212-741-0052 1-830-223-2500 Option 55 Ext.119 FAX: 1-212-675-8715

FL 55mm F 1.2
This lens has one of the highest lens speeds of any of the standard lenses used in single-lens reflex cameras, together with the FL 58mm F1.2 which is already on the market. The lens, belonging to the improved Gauss type, was developed by Canon to complete the series of lenses with higher resolving power and higher contrast. Utilization of four high-index glasses of a new type, together with a new design and positioning of the optical system, has completely eliminated high curvature of field and spherical aberration, resulting in greater center clarity, unusual for a lens with a maximum aperture opening of f/1.2.

Name: Canon Lens FL 55mm F 1.2
Focal Length: f=55mm
Aperture Ratio
: 1:1.2
: 5 components, 7 elements
: Amber, Purple

Diaphragm: Automatic/ Manual preset type Min. Aperture: 16
Distance Scale
: 0.6 - 10 oo in meters, 2 - 30 oo in feet
Angle of View
: Diagonal 43°, Horizontal 36°, Vertical 25°
Focusing System:Straight drive double helicoid
S-60 Filter Size: 58mm (2-15/16') Length x Max. Dia: 52.5 x 69mm (2-1/16' x 2-11/16') Weight: 480 grams (1 lb. 15/16 oz.)
Canon FL
58mm F 1.2
This lens has the fastest lens speed of all standard lenses for single-lens reflex cameras. Despite its ultra-large aperture it is characterized by very little flare at maximum aperture and the various aberration compensations are excellent. Therefore, this lens is ideal for photographing subjects indoors in the evening or on the streets at night. Focusing through the viewfinder is very easy with this lens because of image brightness. Pictures hitherto difficult to shoot can now be taken easily with the use of this lens.
Name: Canon Lens FL 58mm F 1.2
Focal Length: f=58mm
Aperture Ratio
: 1:1.2
: 5 components, 7 elements
: Amber

Credit: Image courtesy of photogravureunlimited Image Copyright © 2003. All rights reserved.

Diaphragm: Automatic/ Manual preset type Min. Aperture: 16
Distance Scale
: 0.6 - 10 oo in meters, 2 - 30 oo in feet
Angle of View
: Diagonal 41°, Horizontal 34°, Vertical 23°
Focusing System:Straight drive double helicoid
S-60 Filter Size: 58mm (2-15/16') Length x Max. Dia: 52 x 64mm (2-1/16' x 2-1/2') Weight: 410 grams (14-7/16 oz.)
85mm F 1.8
Designed for a wide range of uses from portraiture to nature work as well as general, all-round photography, this lens provides faithful reproductions of scenes, exactly as seen with the eyes of the user. The large aperture provides ample scope for available light photography and, when used at maximum aperture, some softness of the image adds to the pictorial quality, particularly when emphasis on the soft lighting quality is wanted in the final photograph.

Name: Canon Lens FL 85mm F 1.8
Focal Length: f=85mm
Aperture Ratio
: 1:1.8
: 4 components, 5 elements
: Magenta, Purple

Diaphragm: Automatic/ Manual preset type Min. Aperture: 16
Distance Scale
: 1 - 20 oo in meters, 3.5 - 60 oo in feet
Angle of View
: Diagonal 29°, Horizontal 24° Vertical 16°
Focusing System:Straight drive double helicoid
T-60 Filter Size: 58mm (2-15/16') Length x Max. Dia: 55 x 64mm (2 3/16' x 2-1/2') Weight: 445 grams (15-11/16 oz oz.)
100mm F 3.5
This lens has approximately the same magnification as the human eye. Thus, it is very convenient and is ideal for taking natural snapshots on the street or for portraiture. It has long been a popular lens among camera fans for its sharpness. The '100mm' is so highly reputed that it is 'associated only with Canon' among Camera fans. This small-size, lightweight, easy-to-use, superb lens is constantly used by many photographers.
Name: Canon Lens FL 100mm F3.5
Focal Length: f=100mm
Aperture Ratio
: 1:3.5
: 4 components, 5 elements
: Purple

Diaphragm: Automatic/ Manual preset type Min. Aperture: 16
Distance Scale
: 1-10 oo in meters, 3.5 -30 oo in feet
Angle of View
: Diagonal 24°, Horizontal 20°, Vertical 14° Focusing System:Straight drive double helicoid
T-50 Filter Size: 48mm (1-7/8') Length x Max. Dia: 61 x 63mm (2-3/8' x 2-1/2') Weight: 278 grams (9-13/16 oz.)
Canon FL 135mm F 3.5
The overall length of this small-size, lightweight lens is only 83mm. As for lens speed it is only 5/6th of an aperture stop slower than the FL 135mm F 2.5 lens, with everything else being almost similar.

Name: Canon Lens FL 135mm F3.5
Focal Length: f=135mm
Aperture Ratio
: 1:3.5
: 3 components, 4 elements
: Magenta

Diaphragm: Automatic/ Manual preset type Min. Aperture:
Distance Scale
: 1.5 - 30 oo in meters, 5 -100 oo in feet
Angle of View
: Diagonal 18°, Horizontal 15°, Vertical 10°
Focusing System:Straight drive double helicoid
T-50 Filter Size: 48mm (1-7/8') Length x Max. Dia: 83 x 62mm (3-1/4' x 2-7/16') Weight: 434 grams (15-5/16 oz.)
135mm F 2.5

The 135mm focal length of this lens has an image magnification of 2.7X over standard lenses, and the appearance of its perspective is sufficiently effective for telephoto use.
This large aperture lens has a wide range of uses, such as for portraiture and commercial photography, and is among the smallest and handiest of all lenses with which telephoto effects are available.

This lens stirred up the single-lens reflex camera boom and today enjoys the greatest popularity.
Name: Canon Lens FL 135mm F2.5
Focal Length: f=135mm
Aperture Ratio
: 1:2.5
: 4 components, 6 elements

Coating: Magenta Diaphragm: Automatic/ Manual preset type
Min. Aperture
16Distance Scale: 1.5 - 30 oo in meters, 5 -100 oo in feet
Angle of View: Diagonal 18°, Horizontal 15°, Vertical 10°
Credit: Image courtesy of Pacific Rim Camera, who also operates a popular Ebay Store. Image Copyright © 2003. All rights reserved.

Focusing System:Straight drive double helicoid
T-60 Filter Size: 58mm (2-5/16') Length x Max. Dia: 102 x 69mm (4' x 2-11/16') Weight: 645 grams (1 16. b-3/4 oz.)BellowsCanon FL-mount 200mm f/4.5 Telephoto lens

This representative lens of Canon's compact series has many fine features which include small size, light weight, moderate price and high performance. Its aberration compensations are similar to the 200mm F 3.5 lens, having uniform resolving power all the way to the outer edges and almost no quality difference between maximum and minimum aperture openings.
This lens, which faithfully reproduces color, is becoming increasingly popular among camera fans.

Name: Canon Lens FL 200mm F4.5 Focal Length: f=200mm Aperture Ratio: 1:4.5

: 4 components, 5 elements
: Magenta, Purple Diaphragm: Automatic/ Manual preset type
Credit: Image courtesy of CANABean99, who also operates a popular Ebay Store. Image Copyright © 2003. All rights reserved.

Min. Aperture: 16 ; Distance Scale: 2.5 - 30 oo in meters, 8 -100 oo in feet
Angle of View
: Diagonal 12°, Horizontal 10°, Vertical 7°; Focusing System:Straight drive double helicoid
: Built-in type Filter Size: 48mm(1-7/8') Length x Max. Dia: 147 x 63mm (5-13/16' x 2-1/2') Weight: 555 grams (1 lb. 3-9/16 oz.)

Canon FL-mount 200mm f/3.5 Telephoto lens

Intensely effective telephoto effects are possible even when hand-held. This lens has a built-in type lens hood and a completely automatic diaphragm mechanism. Compensations for the various aberrations are excellent, and the high contrast and superior resolving power of the lens are its other outstanding features.

This lens is widely used for shooting sporting events, animal life and for news photography besides snapshots and portraiture.
Name: Canon Lens FL 200mm F3.5
Focal Length: f=200mm
Aperture Ratio
: 1:3.5
: 5 components, 7 elements

Coating: Magenta Diaphragm: Automatic/ Manual preset type Min. Aperture:

Canon Bellows Fl Manual


Canon Bellows Fl Manual

Distance Scale: 2.5 - 30 oo in meters, 8 -100 oo in feet
Angle of View
: Diagonal 12°, Horizontal 10°, Vertical 7°
Focusing System:Straight drive double helicoid
: Built-in type Filter Size: 58mm (2-5/16') Length x Max. Dia: 152 x 70mm (6' x 2-3/4') Weight: 680 grams (1 lb. 8 oz.)

Canon Bellows Fl Instruction Manual

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Canon Bellows Fl Instructions

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