Yoshis Island Level Editor

(The garbled background is the same one used in Yoshi's Island 1; switching to its tileset with a level editor fixes the background glitch, but a glitchy palette still remains.) This name is also attached to one of the copies of Level 0x30200. 0.1 -First version of Yoshi Magic completed and released. II: Introduction Thanks for using Yoshi Magic, brought to you by Salanewt and charleysdrpepper. This Readme file should contain information about Yoshi Magic, the Mario and Luigi series editor. We first started locating data from Superstar Saga in June, 2009.

  1. Yoshi's Island Level Editor
  2. Yoshi's Island Level Editor
  3. Yoshi's Island Level Editor
  4. Yoshi's Island Level Editor Forest
  5. Super Mario World 2 Yoshi's Island Level Editor

SNES Utilities

AngeliqueAngelique Tile EditorThe Angelique Tile Editor is a basic hex editor that allows pasting as hex into 18-byte records in the game Angelique for a special text output system. It is unknown if this will prove useful with other Super Famicom games.
Bust-A-MoveShampooThis is an editor for the SNES version of Bust-A-Move. You can modify the number of lives you have, the number of hits you need to kill a boss, and the layout of all 100 levels.
Chrono TriggerChrono Trigger Shop KeeperCTshopkeeper will change the items in the stores throughout the SNES game Chronotrigger.
Chrono TriggerChrono Trigger Item Name EditorThis is a text editor that lets you change names of Techs and Magic spells within the game.
Chrono TriggerChrono Trigger Text EditorThis program can be used to edit text, like dialog and save titles, within Chrono Trigger as well as edit items, techs/magic and enemy names.
Chrono TriggerCroneThis editor allows for the easy editing or all enemies in Chronotrigger.
Chrono TriggerCTENEDCTENED changes enemy and monster stats. Has a freindly DOS interface.
Chrono TriggerGearsThis is a fairly extensive package of editors for Chrono Trigger for the SNES. Included is a shop editor, character editor, monster editor, and a text editor.
Chrono TriggerTemporal FluxThis editor edits thing no other CT editor can... It can edit level data for the overworld, different locations, in-game text, and EVENTS! If you ever wanted to create a new game using the Chrono Trigger engine, this is the way to do it. Requires Microsoft's .NET v1.1 Framework to use.ChickenLump's Temporal Flux Manual..covers the basics of using the editor.
Clock TowerClock Tower Text EditClock Tower Text Edit, allows you to change text inside the english-translated Clock Tower ROM.
EarthboundDont Care Editor and EB Text CompressorThis is a text editor for Earthbound SNES that makes a very difficult process seemingly easy to use. This editor also has a Dont Care Entry editor.
EarthboundEarthBound Map EditorAn Earthbound editor with a ton of features, this program allows you to edit maps, doors, sprite placement, and the Text Pointer Table.
EarthboundEarthBound Sprite EditorThe EarthBound Sprite Editor lets you easily edit 1144 sprites that appear in the SNES RPG, EarthBound.
EarthboundEarthBound Store EditorThis editor lets you edit all the stores in the game.
EarthboundEarthbound Text EditorThis utility lets you edit the text in EarthBound.
EarthboundPK HackThis is a very capable editor for EarthBound, a SuperNes game. It allows editting for enemies, items, graphics, text, events, and more. Give it a try.
Final Fantasy 2/4ff4h SRAM HackerFF4h is used to hack Final Fantasy 4 / Final Fantasy 2 us SRAM files. It doesn't have graphical capacities, but it decodes and modifies the essential information contained in the battery backup file and corrects the checksums after modifications. In short, it's the prequel to FF3h.
Final Fantasy 3Final Fantasy 3 Sprite EditorA program written in Visual basic, will allow you to edit the sprite enemies and espers of your Final Fantasy 3US game.
Final Fantasy 3Final Fantasy III Multi EditorThis program lets you edit the monsters and spells, and much more from Final Fantasy III (US).
Final Fantasy 3Final Fantasy III Shop EditorThis editor lets you edit the shops in the US version of Final Fantasy 3.
Final Fantasy 3Final Fantasy III Sprite EditorThis editor lets you edit all the playable sprites in FF III (US).
Final Fantasy 3Final Fantasy III Weapon ToolThis editor lets you easily edit the weapon palletes of FF3 without the use of a hex editor, as well as what sprite is used, Sound effect, weapon attack graphic, and many other properties for every weapon in FF3.
Final Fantasy 3Final Fantasy III US Editor Final Fantasy III US Editor Hack This editor is incomplete (as most work-in-progress emulators are), but the current version lets you change basically everything from the script to the map to even the weapon attributes. Very useful... Here is a hack by Eizneckam which fixes the character editor, dialogue editor, magic editor. Lots of goodies have been added as well.
Final Fantasy 3Mac ThingThis utility allows you to modify the text in Super Nintendo files. Actually, only Final Fantasy III. Who's to say how much more will be done?
Final Fantasy 3/6ff3h SRAM HackerFF3h is used to hack Final Fantasy 6 / Final Fantasy 3 us SRAM files. Filled with features (able to modify a huge amount of information).
Final Fantasy 4FF4 ToolsA Javascript FF4 editor by Phoenix Hacks. It is a Text Editor, an Event Editor, and a Map Editor. It is designed to be used in conjunction with a hex editor.
Final Fantasy 5 (J)Final Fantasy 5 Multi EditorThis lets you edit many of the things in Final Fantasy 5.
Harvest MoonHMEThis level editor for Harvest Moon comes in three parts (The Ranch editor, Mountain Editor, and Building Editor.) This is the source code (Visual Basic) to an older version of HME.
Harvest MoonHME Dialogue EditorThis is a script editing program (part of the HME series). It allows you to edit the text in Harvest Moon. Its beta right now, so remember to back up your roms before you use it.
Legend of Zelda: A Link to the PastzcompressZelda Compression Tool that can decompress/extract and recompress/insert the graphics in Zelda: A Link to the Past. It's based on the compression code from Lunar Magic, with a small modification to adjust for a difference in Zelda's format.
Legend of Zelda: A Link to the PastZelda Script EditorThe Zelda Script editor is just as the name states, a script editor for the SNES version of A Link to the Past.
Legend of Zelda: Link to the PastHyrule MagicThis is an editor for The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. You can edit just about everything, including overworld, music, sprites, some event points, and much more.
Panic in Nakayoshi WorldNaCHAOShiThis is a level editor for Panic in Nakayoshi World
Sailor Moon RPGSailor Moon RPG Map EditorThis is a nice editor that covers pretty much everything except for sprite editing/placement. The shell of this code was used for the creation of the later, greater Super Mario World Editor, Lunar Magic.
ShadowrunShadowrun SSEThis is a ZSNES savestate editor for Shadowrun created by Saprophytic. It edits quite a bit about your character, including weapons, armor, skills, the amount of Nuyen you possess, and more. This program requires COMCTL32.OCX and TABCTL32.OCX.
Super Mario KartmKeditThis is a Mario Kart track editor with many features. You will need the Lunar compress utility to use this editor(Not included). Also this zip contains the source. Visual Basic 6 runtime files not included.
Super Mario KartTrack DesignerThis is a facelift editor for the game Super Mario Kart. This editor has many features. Mainly it edits all 24 tracks in the game. 20 normal tracks and 4 battle tracks. Also you can edit the tile sets and music.
Super Mario RPGLazy ShellMakes use of the documents below to create an interface that can manage all stats, level maps, scripts and sprites currently. The purpose of the hacks posted here is to put the application to the most comprehensive test possible, and to demonstrate its capacity to edit a ROM. Many bugs have been discovered and fixed because of this. Written in C#
Super Mario RPGPIPESPIPES - Plumbing Italian Predator Editing Studio is a monster editor for Super Mario RPG that can edit names, stats and weaknesses.
Super Mario RPGSuper Mario RPG Shop EditorThis simple utility from HighT1mes lets you edit the item prices at the shops over the Mushroom Kingdom. You can base it on gold or Frog coins.
Super Mario WorldLunar MagicThis is the first Super Mario World for SuperNES level editor, complete with graphical GUI.
Super Mario WorldSuper Mario World Overworld EditorThis editor will allow you to change which 8 x 8 graphic tiles are used for the main overworld background layer and also (with cdedit and cdedit2) change which 8 x 8 tiles are used for the 'change' events which is when the main overworld background layer changes after you complete a level. Full documentation is in the .TXT files in the archive.
Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's IslandEggVineEggVine is an editor for Yoshi's Island that lets you edit screen exits, objects, sprites and headers. Be sure to have VB6 runtimes installed.
Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's IslandYcompressAlthough not itself an editor, this tool will allow you to dump the graphics of Yoshi's Island for use in other tile editors. In addition, it will allow you to reinsert the graphics once they have been edited.
Super MetroidSABSSABS (Samus Aran's Beauty Salon) is a Super Metroid Editor. Currently it edits the HP of most enemies, and has buggy, yet present, text editting, and more. Try it out.
Super MetroidSMILESMILE (Super Metroid Integrated Level Editor) is a Super Metroid level editor by Jathys. It's an early stages, but looking better with every update.
Tecmo Super Bowl 3Tecmo Super Bowl III ManagerA Win 9x utility that lets you open up the SNES Tecmo Super Bowl 3 ROM and edit it. It's an extremely easy-to-use, yet very powerful little utility!
Tetris AttackBlock EditFrom the creator of some final fantasy save state editors, comes Block Edit. Block edit edits the .ZST of ZSNES save states for Tetris Attack, and lets you make the best combo's ever. Check it out! This is a cool editor to try..
Top Gear 2TG2EditA neat little Save State Editor that allows you to edit the car parts, and amount of money you have in your Top Gear 2 ROM for SNES.

Yoshis Island Level Editor
Emulators on:
iOS (iPhone)
Windows Mobile
Other Releases
ROMs (Public Domain)
Technical Documents
Game Modification
Music Playback / Manipulation
Game Hacking.org

  • 1What Is The Practice Hack?
  • 3Features

Yoshi's Island Level Editor

Created by Arnethegreat, the practice hack is a modified version of Yoshi's Island that has save-states, slow down and many other useful tools for practicing/learning the game. More info. at: https://github.com/Arnethegreat/yoshisisland-practice-hack

J1.0 Direct download




You will need a flash cartridge to run it on hardware with an SD card formatted to FAT32 or simply an emulator. Currently, the only devices that can run the practice hack are the Super UFO Pro 8 and the SD2SNES (now known as the FXPAK). This is because no other flash cartridges support the Super FX 2 enhancement chip.

  • If you're using a Super UFO pro 8 you will need to download the version of the practice hack that matches the version of your Yoshi's Island cartridge, otherwise it won't work. Check out the version differences page to determine what version you have.
  • If you're using an SD2SNES, just download the Japanese version of the game (it's slightly faster than English).
  • Copy the practice hack ROM from your computer and place it onto your SD card. Any SD card should work - the practice hack is only 2 MB.
  • Insert your SD card into your flash cartridge.
  • Play the game.
  • All save files start out on the hasty control style. Check out the controls page for more information.
  • A second controller can be used to access certain features easier (those will be pointed out when applicable).

Practice Hack Menu:

  • Press L+R+start to open the practice hack menu at any time or just press start on controller 2.
  • Press start on either controller to close the menu.
  • Press up/down on the dpad to scroll through the list.
  • Press any face button to activate a feature.
    Default Practice Hack Menu
  • ! = on.
  • X = off.

Complete Save:

  • Hold L or R when selecting file 3 to enter a fully unlocked save file.

Level Intros:

  • Press any button to skip the level name text as soon as possible. This won't work for some levels like 2-2 and 6-6 because they are big and need more time to load.

Level Clear:

  • Press L+select when in the pause menu during a level to leave the level and mark it as cleared.


  • Press select to make a savestate inside of a level.
  • Press X to load the savestate.
  • Press L+X to do a full load (this will regenerate terrain and regular coins).
  • Press R+X to reload from the last used screen entrance.
  • Eggs and items will be preserved when a savestate is loaded.

Disable Autoscroll:

  • This will disable any currently active autoscrolling section.
  • Press Y on controller 2.

Warp To Boss:

  • This will warp you to the beginning of the boss room inside of any X-4 or X-8 level.
  • Press A+X on controller 2.

Music Toggle:

  • This will toggle the music on and off. Re-enabling the music will cause the default track for the current room you're in to play. For some rooms the music might not be correct, however, loading a savestate will fix this.
  • Press select on controller 2.

Free Movement:

Menu With Several Settings Changed
  • This will allow you to move around faster and easier without collision, though, Gusties can still hit you.
  • Hold A to move faster.
  • Press B on controller 2.

Egg Editor:

  • This will allow you to edit your egg count, type and order.
  • This must be done before entering a level for it to take effect. If it's done inside of a level, you'll have to exit via start+select and then re-enter.
  • Press up/down to move the cursor left/right respectively.
  • Press A/Y to increase/decrease your egg count.
  • Press A/Y while hovering over an egg slot to change its type. The available option are green, yellow, red, flashing, flashing upside down key (boss key), green/red big egg, chicken and key. Check out the eggs page and the boss key section of the null egg page for more information.

Slowdown Amount:

  • This will allow you to slow the game down.
  • Press A/Y to increase/decrease the speed of the game.
  • Press R/L on controller 2.

Full Load As Default:

Yoshi's Island Level Editor

  • This will toggle the way savestates are loaded between normal and full.
  • When on, pressing X will do a full load and L+X will be a normal load.

Set Tutorial Flags:

  • This will toggle the tutorial text boxes on/off. These are text boxes that pop up when you do things for the first time, such as getting hit, collecting a flower or entering a middle-ring.

Disable Kamek At Boss:

  • This will disable Kamek's text box at the start of every boss fight.

Yoshi's Island Level Editor

The SD2SNES, now known as the FXPAK PRO [1] is a flash cartridge that is modeled after Super Famicom and SNES carts and is not region locked. It is basically a powerful emulator that can run 99% of SNES games (including romhacks) on an actual SNES/SFC via a micro SD card. It also supports a majority of enhancement chips [2], namely the Super FX 2 chip that Yoshi's Island uses. The firmware is free to download but the hardware is rather pricey (around $200 new). The trade-off is that it's super reliable and fast, two things that the UFO lacks.

Yoshi's Island Level Editor Forest

Similar to the FXPAK PRO, the Super UFO Pro 8 is another flash cartridge that can run ROMs on console via SD card. It is shaped very similarly to Super Famicom cartridges with a removable cap on the top that allows you to insert an SNES/SFC cartridge. Unfortunately, when running Yoshi's Island, the UFO is often unreliable and can crash at random (probably due to needing the actual cartridge plugged in on top), making it annoying to use for practice. In all honesty, it's probably best to avoid this flash cart and get the FXPAK PRO instead. At one time this was the only way to run the practice hack on console (and it was cheaper) but that's not the case anymore.

Super Mario World 2 Yoshi's Island Level Editor

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